2023-12-12 12:12 PM
I'm trying to use the USB host mode on my stm32F401RET6 developer board and i watched few tutorial videos. In those videos they acivated USB_HOST as HID(Human Interface Host class) and in platform settings there is something called Driver_VBUS_FS. IN tutroial videos they used STM32f407VG developer board and in user manual there is PC0 pin that controls the pump charge of Vbus (i think). But in STM32f401RET6 developer board there is no pin is mentioned as pump charge of Vbus. I read the datasheed, usermaual and pragramming manual but i saw nothing. I dont know is there such a pin in my board. If there is one can you guys tell me which one. Im new in this subject i dont know if Driver_VBUS_FS is important or not. I would appreciate any help.
2023-12-12 2:07 PM
There is no charge pump circuitry inside the chip, on PC0 or otherwise.
On the STM32F4DISCOVERY, PC0 is the disable/enable pin for external power. Perhaps that's what you mean? It's not a charge pump, just a switch.
2023-12-12 6:37 PM
Is is for every STM32F4 discovery boards or only for STM32F407VG