2019-01-18 12:34 AM
I'm using STM32f4 mcu , I need to configure USB OTG HS in FS mode. Can I get an example code for usb otg hs or fs
2019-01-18 1:02 AM
Have you used STM32CubeMX?
2019-01-18 4:40 AM
Yeah..I have configured USB_OTG_HS speed as Full speed 12MBit/s.. But I don't know how to send or receive data from PC..What is the basic code for it...I need a sample code.
2019-01-18 10:26 AM
Since a PC is normally a host, STM32 needs to be a device. You have choice: HID or "virtual COM port" or something custom, using for example, WinUSB [1]. Whatever you prefer.
[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/usbcon/automatic-installation-of-winusb
-- pa