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STM32F4 Another USB Host MSC problem.

Associate II

Hello, by using a STM32F429I-DISC1 I'm trying to read/write to a thumb drive.

When I open and load the provided example in fw packet, it works without problem but that example is an old one and not a CubeMX example so it makes things rough for me.

I tried to test STM32 USB Training 11.2 but it didn't work, I tried other examples I found over net but still no luck. As @GNico.2​ mentioned in his this topic code never reaches to APPLICATION_READY state.

A solution is proposed as upgrading USB Host V3.5.0 middleware from github, Is that also applicable for F4 series?


Hi @GLASS​ ..

This is what i get only replacing the core directory and the msc directory

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000dK3hxQAC.pngany suggestions?

May be you can analyze by yourself compile error. Try to catch and solve the first one in console.

Maybe you have to check how you are including headers.

Info and warning can help also. Don't focus only on error.

Sorry I tried to share what bug i managed to solve, but i can't work instead of you.

Just a Last tips: have you mixed HAL and LL?

Keep us informed, no doubt you can manage it!