2013-04-30 5:30 AM
I was looking for USB CDC (Virtual COM) Example code for STM32F3DISCOVERY Kit.I can't see it in Example code downloaded from ST.Regards, #usb-(cdc) #stm32f3-discovery-usb-cdc-web #amazing-google-skills2013-04-30 6:31 AM
Probably targets the EVAL board, but should be easy enough to port.
STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0\Projects\Virtual_COM_Port2013-04-30 7:10 AM
Will you please give me link for this example.
2013-04-30 8:14 AM
2014-01-20 10:28 AM
Hi All
Unfortunately this URL invalid now. I've tried download examples from https://my.st.com/st-extranet-web-active/active/en/catalog/tools/PF258224 but unsuccessfully also. Could you please help me with those examples? Thanks in advance2014-01-20 12:42 PM
2014-01-20 3:40 PM
I've got it! Thanks a lot!
I'm sorry for stupid questions but I'm newbie in STM32 programming. But may be do you know why the target clock has been set up on 8 MHz in all demo? Could I change it to standard 72 MHz? Thanks in advance2014-01-20 4:00 PM
Depends on what you mean, the 8 MHz in the Keil target dialog means very little. The HSI (high speed internal) in the F3 is 8 MHz, the crystals used in the Discovery series boards is usually 8 MHz, and many of the Eval boards have a 25 MHz crystal.
The PLL setting, which you should find in system_stm32f3xx.c should get you to 72 MHz for the processor, and a 1.5 divider should get 48 MHz for the USB peripheral.2014-01-21 5:23 AM
Thanks a lot! This is excellent forum!
2014-01-22 1:31 AM
Hi Clive,
I've ported the VCP to F3DISCOVERY board but the one problem has been raised - application has broken SWD. As fact reprogramming (from Keil) and debug is impossible. I'm getting error ''Cannot access target. Shutdown debug session'' when I'm trying start the application in debug mode. And I'm getting ''Internal communication error'' for any other attempts. After it any other deals with board via ST-LINK are impossible due to following error: Target DLL has been cancelled. Debugger aborted ! But the application is working properly and board can be reprogrammed via ST-LINK utility.On the other hand
ST-STUDIO doesn't wok also. How I can fix it? I have suspicion that application is using the wrong USB but I don't know how it can be checked. Thanks in advance