2020-07-01 3:59 AM
I have 4 x STM32F373CCT6 on a custom board connected to a USB hub, all of which are clocked from a 3v3 24MHz oscillator ( rather than putting down 5 crystals and all the caps ). I have the 1k5 resistor pull up on the D+ line. when the board is powered up ( from the PC USB connection to the hub ) all 4 devices show as invalid descriptors when they enumerate
if i do a basic cube project setup with 24MHz bypass on the HSE and all the relevant clock setup, a CDC port enumerates fine when the device is programmed by either the UART or SWD connection so I know that the USB lines aren't the wrong way up , the clocks can be right inernally etc so fundamentally all can be ok but the DFU boot isn't
can someone point out the deliberate mistake?
2020-07-01 8:27 AM
Try what the bootloader probably does: enable HSE without enabling HSEBYP, and wait until HSERDY.
2022-10-15 1:56 AM
Hi @area.1 ,
have you ever resolved this issue?
2022-10-17 2:59 AM
If I remember correctly, the fundamental(ly!) stupid issue is the boot loader can only run from a crystal not the bypass oscillator.
Given I had a connection to the UART as well, I just used that to drive the boot loader instead as I could also control boo0 and reset
2022-10-17 6:48 AM
Thanks for your reply.