2014-07-17 2:10 PM
I've installed STM32CubeMX to see how it would work for a new board I'm planning on building. Is there anything special I have to do to make PolarSSL show up in the middleware section? I see LWIP, and can enable it, but I don't see PolarSSL. UM1730 mentions that it should be available, and UM1723 supposedly describes an example using it, but I don't know how they got it to appear in STM32CubeMX. Doesn't seem to matter which processor (with Ethernet) I choose, I don't see PolarSSL.
Anyone know what I'm missing?Thanks, Jeff. #stm32cube-polarssl2014-07-21 7:54 AM
Hello Jeff,
You have to distinguish between STM32CubeMX Code generation tool and STM32Cube embedded software packages (one package per STM32 serie). An embedded software package contains drivers, middleware libraries and example projects. STM32CubeMX is compliant with the STM32Cube packages, which means that the generated code is based on the package drivers. On top, CubeMX supports initialization code generation for a subset of the middleware libraries provided with the Cube package: so far, USB Host, USB Device, FATFS, FreeRTOS, and LwIP are available. Unfortunately, for now, there is no mechanism to extend CubeMX to other middlewares. Best Regards.2014-07-21 8:15 AM
You have to distinguish between STM32CubeMX Code generation tool and STM32Cube embedded software packages (one package per STM32 serie).
An embedded software package contains drivers, middleware libraries and example projects.
STM32CubeMX is compliant with the STM32Cube packages, which means that the generated code is based on the package drivers.
So basically what you are saying is that the PolarSSL middleware is included in the STM32CubeF4 download, but that STM32CubeMX doesn't set up that particular middleware once downloaded, and I'll have to do that by hand. Correct?
Any guides for how to do this integration of Cube generated code plus PolarSSL code? I'm new to both the STM32Cube as well as PolarSSL. I've been using the STM32F104 series for quite a while, but this sort of thing isn't available for that platform.Thanks, Jeff.