2014-07-04 2:37 AM
Does anybody know when STM32CubeL1 (embedded software for STM32 L1 series) will be released? I have a project with a STM32L152 device, and it would be great to be able to use the STM32CubeMX
initialization code generator.
Thanks #stm32cubel12014-07-08 7:10 AM
Hi hotz.heinz,
The STM32CubeL1 release will be available by mid of September 2014.Thank you for your interest in our STM32Cube solution.With regards.2014-09-08 6:22 AM
I wonder if this schedule is still valid? JVR2014-09-09 1:26 AM
The announcement is on the 23rd of September 2014.
Regards.2014-09-23 4:02 PM
Is this still scheduled to be announced today?
Edit: OK, apparently not. Is there a new estimated release date?I am just starting a new project and would like to use STM32CubeL1, if it will be available soon.2014-09-25 5:39 AM
I'm also interested in a revised schedule. I need to start looking for alternatives pretty soon.
JVR2014-09-26 1:27 AM
Hi all,
The STM32Cube_FW_L1_V1.0.0 will be announced very shortly and will be available online by next week.We are very sorry for the delay in annoucement due to external factors.Cheers,Heisenberg.2014-10-08 2:49 AM
Hello, is it already released? Thank you a lot.
2014-10-16 10:47 AM
v. 4.4
is now available.
.2014-10-17 1:38 AM
Hi all,
Here are the links for the release, and the , supporting STM32L1 family.Enjoy the STM32Cube solution ;)Regards,Heisenberg.