2015-02-03 5:34 AM
I'm integrate theSTM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.1.0 in my project.
I build with IAR. I don't know how to report a bug, so I use the forum. In the file stm32l0xx_hal_comp.c, line 508:/* Set lock flag */
hcomp->State |= COMP_STATE_BIT_LOCK;
hcomp isCOMP_HandleTypeDef type. The field state isHAL_COMP_StateTypeDef type.
This type is an enum. Line 508, the library try to assigned COMP_STATE_BIT_LOCK wich is not defined in theHAL_COMP_StateTypeDef enum type.
I think is not normal.
there is an error with IAR: Error[Pe513]: a value of type ''unsigned int'' cannot be assigned to an entity of type ''HAL_COMP_StateTypeDef'' stm32l0xx_hal_comp.c
If there is a new version of cube for L0 (L051) MCU, thanks to contact me.
Thanks a lot.
2015-02-26 7:11 AM
Hi guillaume,
We are aware of this issue and has been corrected. Keep an eye out for the next update!Thank you,Heisenberg.