2014-10-08 12:15 AM
Can anyone share USB Host CDC VCP Example code for STM3210C Eval board?
i downloaded one example but it doesn't have USB Host CDC example. #usb #cdc #stm32 #st3210c #vcp2014-10-08 1:18 AM
FYI the original demo for this board is herehttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF257878
The ''STM32F10x, STM32L1xx and STM32F3xx USB full speed device library (UM0424)
'' is herehttp://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/LN1734/PF258157
The USB Full Speed library is a USB peripheral driver for the STM32 parts. It contains examples for a number of USB device types. One of them will be the USB CDC device. It does not look like the FS lib has any host examples. This is the link tohttp://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/LN1734/PF257882
This is the USB peripheral device driver for USB On The Go. It does have USB Host examples.2014-10-09 2:31 AM
thanks sung.chen_chung,
i have downloaded that below stuff but i was more interested in Host CDC/VCP example code.2014-10-09 3:47 AM
I posted both but it depends on what processor (processor family) is on the STM3210C Eval Note the titles of the links states which processor families they support.