2024-01-30 6:51 AM
I have a question about X-CUBE-STL library on STM32H723ZG. We want to use it with a bootloader that resides in the first 128K flash sector. We want to reserve some data in the flash (firmware version and a signarure). Is there somewhere an example linker file which would do that? The problem is, that when using STM32CubeProgrammer to generate the CRCs for flash test, it always overwrites the last section completely with the CRCs. If I put my needed section to the flash before the CRCs, program ends in Hard Fault as it is somehow loaded incorrectly. I tried generating the CRCs for smaller flash memory (end address not 0x8010000 but 0x800f000), but this also does not work as the programmer overwrites the .elf such that the total flash size is smaller and I also end in hard fault.
Any ideas how to resolve this?
2024-01-30 10:40 PM
I will try to reformulate my question, is there a way to use STM32CubeProgrammer's safety lib command (-sl, --safelib) which generates CRCs when there are multiple sections used in the flash? If so, how?
2025-01-29 11:53 PM
Hello Heveskar,
I am facing a similar issue.
Would your problem solved, please share your experience.
Kind regards,
2025-01-30 12:20 AM
I did not find a way to reserve multiple sections in such a way that it would work. We just stopped using separate sections for firmware version and signature. Without this the CRC generation works correctly.
2025-02-03 4:00 AM
Thanks for your response.
Kind regards,