2024-04-16 4:51 AM
Hello All,
I am new to embedded systems.
I am trying to enable ethernet communication in stm32f746 discovery board.
But I am failing to achieve this, sometimes I am able to ping the device and sometimes not.
I came across a thread https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-embedded-software/how-to-make-ethernet-and-lwip-working-on-stm32/m-p/261456 which mentions faults in LWIP and documentation.
Even when I am using the example project STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.17.0\Projects\STM32746G-Discovery\Applications\LwIP\LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS I am able to ping the device sometimes only.
Please guide me accordingly, I am not asking for a complete working project only a healthy documentation and links.
2024-04-18 3:50 AM
Hello @pitbull ,
getting started embedded systems with the Ethernet peripheral especially could be quite challenging.
documentation related to the development with LWIP can be found in this link .
you can find working projects on the Cube firmware package for F7 for example as you mentioned.
if you are unable to make the example of LWIP working it could be related to the CubeIDE version 1.15.
can you please specify the version of CubeIDE you are using or are you using another IDE.
2024-04-25 8:43 PM
Hello STea,
Sorry for the late reply.
I am using STM32Cube IDE : Version: 1.13.1
2024-04-26 5:35 AM
Hello @pitbull ,
Did you manage to make it work or you ae facing some issues?
2024-04-26 9:48 PM
Hello @STea ,
I have not been able to implement this yet. Will keep you updated.
2024-05-06 3:59 AM
Hello @STea,
Again started working on the ethernet and LWIP.
I am now able to ping the static IP using LWIP, stm32cubeIDE version : 1.15.1 stm32CubeMX version 6.11.1 with FreeRTOS CMSIS V1 and TouchGFX.
But still not able to transfer data using ethernet.
Also wanted to know is there any example of data transfer using ethernet without LWIP just by using raw APIs.
2024-05-06 5:13 AM
Hello @pitbull ,
Congrats on making in working glad to hear that.
know regarding the data transfer you will need to implement some sort of protocol to handle the data transfer.
regarding the raw API example there is not an official ST example yet, but this can be implemented manually.
a hint would be to follow our Knowledge base section as we will get a knowledge base article soon in which we describe the procedure that you should follow to establish raw Ethernet communication.
2024-05-07 9:45 PM
Hello @STea
I am now able to use UDP Protocol without FreeRTOS with as is STM32CubeIDE configuration and able to send and receive messages on ethernet.
As UDP is little unreliable I am currently working on implementing TCP protocol.
Thankyou and will keep you posted.
2024-05-16 11:37 PM
Hello @STea
I am able to use TCP protocol without FreeRTOS. Still trying to use TCP along with FreeRTOS will keep you posted.