2016-10-20 6:31 AM
I've been using the Standard Peripheral Library for STM32F4 for years, and have always found it fairly intuitive, and the code sits neatly contained within my driver classes. My experience with CubeMX is that I really like the UI, but absolutely loathe the generated code, and don't find the new HAL library nearly as user-friendly. Perhaps I just need to give it more time and effort. I'm sure I read that the older library is deprecated. I guess that must be so? Pity.
Al #no-hablo-hal2016-10-20 7:47 AM
I'm with you on all these things. I've been playing with the idea of writing a PyQt program that generates Std, Periph initalization code in the same way CubeMx does. It should be fairly straightforward to support a few parts, but doing the entirety of even the F4 series would be lots of work. I might be able to parse out the .svd files that Keil uses to describe parts by.
2016-10-20 8:03 AM
2016-10-21 2:56 AM
I abolutely agree on the article linked. I see no reason and even possibility to switch to CubeMX HAL from STL.
Where is that low level library mentioned?2016-10-21 3:30 AM
> Where is that low level library mentioned?
In theory part of the Cube package for the particular MCU, but almost nonexistent for newer variants (like the F74x I looked at). BTW, in regard to CubeMX, I find very appropriate, too.
2016-10-21 11:54 AM
By any chance has someone converted the F4 SPL to L4? There's a lot of similarity in most peripherals except for RCC, SYSCFG and FLASH.
2016-10-22 12:09 PM
Hey cool, you found my blog :)
That post got quite some traction in a LinkedIn group with several ST people viewing it. Let's hope they get support for the rest of the STM32 controllers done soon.2016-10-24 12:27 PM
LinkedIn pinged me, I thought it would work well here.
I've been complaining about HAL for ages.