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[Solved] Directions on how to run AWS IoT on 32F413HDISCOVERY

Associate III


quite new to STM32 platform (used during the university time, then moved to a competitor for work). I am now trying to come back. In particular I want to set up a small IoT project.

I bought a 32F413HDISCOVERY board and I am using STM32CubeIDE. I would like to use AWS IoT so I have downloaded X-CUBE-AWS 1.4.1 and I went through the documentation UM2178 rev 1 (the latest rev 4 is only for X-CUBE-AWS 2.0 and I cannot find the other revisions).

I have all set up from AWS point of view. And now I am stuck.

I have tried importing the project contained in the zip file for my board and compile, but I get errors. In the manual is written that something show be flashed, but it is unclear which file.

Can I get some indications on how to go on? Is it a problem of the IDE (that did not exist when the manual was written)?

Thanks in advance



Accepted Solutions
Associate III

Thanks for the correction, but it was not the solution. I am not an expert in bash scripts, but based on the error I posted before, the script goes to the "else" section, so the problem is not with the PATH definition only. I have removed the check if the script is running on Windows. Now the script looks like below and it is working! Thank you a lot.

        if [ $ret == 0 ] && [ $# == 5 ]; then
          echo "Generating the global elf file SBSFU and userApp"
          echo "Generating the global elf file SBSFU and userApp" >> $projectdir"/output.txt"
            # Set to the default installation path of the Cube Programmer tool
            # If you installed it in another location, please update PATH.
            PATH="~/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/bin":$PATH > /dev/null 2>&1
          command=$programmertool" -ms "$elf" "$headerbin" "$sbsfuelf
          $command >> $projectdir"/output.txt"

View solution in original post

Guillaume K
ST Employee


what errors do you have during compilation ? Are you on a Windows PC or Linux or Mac ?

the file to flash with STM32CubeProgrammer should be under Projects\STM32F413H-Discovery\Applications\Cloud\AWS\SW4STM32\PostBuild\SBSFU_STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.bin

Alternatively if STM32CubeIDE project compiles without error it is possible to debug the project with STM32CubeIDE using "Debug As ... STM32 Cortex M C / C++ application". In that case it's STM32CubeIDE that flashes the .elf file under Debug/.

there's also a precompiled binary delivered under Projects\STM32F413H-Discovery\Applications\Cloud\AWS\Binary\ but it was compiled with IAR EWARM ( not STM32CubeIDE).

there's an updated manual for X-CUBE-AWS 1.4.1 at (in Doc directory)

Associate III

Thank you Guillaume.

I have spent some other time. Flashing (via dang and drop) the bin already in the zip file works and I see the bootload starting.

I am using Linux. The importation of the System Workbench project to STM32CubeIDE gives no error. When I compile all, at the end I receive the following error. Ideas? Should be not folder permissions

arm-none-eabi-size   STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf 
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
 194064	    736	 124792	 319592	  4e068	STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf
Finished building: default.size.stdout
arm-none-eabi-objdump -h -S  STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf  > "STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.list"
Finished building: STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.list
arm-none-eabi-objcopy  -O binary  STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf  "STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.bin"
Finished building: STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.bin
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary "STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf" "STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.bin"
arm-none-eabi-size "STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf"
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
 194064	    736	 124792	 319592	  4e068	STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf
"../../../../../BootLoader_OSC/2_Images_SECoreBin/SW4STM32/" "../.." "./STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf" "./STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.bin" "1" "bigelf"
/bin/sh: ../../../../../BootLoader_OSC/2_Images_SECoreBin/SW4STM32/ Permission denied
make[1]: *** [makefile:102: post-build] Error 126
make: *** [makefile:64: all] Error 2
"make all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.

I'll give a look at the updated manual, maybe I find something.

Thanks again


Guillaume K
ST Employee

Apparently the SBSFU postbuild script doesn't have executable bit set on Linux.

This post-build operation is very important to obtain a full binary with secure bootloader and the application merged together.

try to do a "chmod +x" on Projects/STM32F413H-Discovery/Applications/BootLoader_OSC/2_Images_SECoreBin/SW4STM32/

Associate III

That helped. I run again and I had to install ecdsa and pycryptodomex to fix two other issues. However, now I have a new error. Should I conclude that the postuild works only under Windows?

arm-none-eabi-size "STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf"
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
 194064	    736	 124792	 319592	  4e068	STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf
"../../../../../BootLoader_OSC/2_Images_SECoreBin/SW4STM32/" "../.." "./STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf" "./STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.bin" "1" "bigelf"
prepareimage with python script
Generating the global elf file SBSFU and userApp
fix access path to STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe 
../../../../../BootLoader_OSC/2_Images_SECoreBin/SW4STM32/ line 93: -ms: command not found
-ms ./STM32F413H-Discovery_AWS.elf ../../PostBuild/STM32F413H-Discovery_AWSsfuh.bin /home/davide/STM32CubeIDE/proto_1/STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud_AWS_V1.4.1/Projects/STM32F413H-Discovery/Applications/BootLoader_OSC/2_Images_SBSFU/SW4STM32/STM32F413H_DISCOVERY_2_Images_SBSFU/Debug/SBSFU.elf : failed
make[1]: *** [makefile:102: post-build] Error 1
make: *** [makefile:64: all] Error 2
"make all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.

Associate III

It seems that is a common issue but still I cannot solve it

I have installed STM32CubeProg in /home/davide/STM32Microelectronics and tried to fix the part in the file (line 85 on) as following, but still doesn't work. Path typing error or still something missing?

            # Set to the default installation path of the Cube Programmer tool
            # If you installed it in another location, please update PATH.
            PATH="/home/davide/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/bin/";$PATH > /dev/null 2>&1

Guillaume K
ST Employee

On Linux, use a colon (":") to separate the directories in the PATH:

PATH="/home/davide/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/bin":$PATH > /dev/null 2>&1

Associate III

Thanks for the correction, but it was not the solution. I am not an expert in bash scripts, but based on the error I posted before, the script goes to the "else" section, so the problem is not with the PATH definition only. I have removed the check if the script is running on Windows. Now the script looks like below and it is working! Thank you a lot.

        if [ $ret == 0 ] && [ $# == 5 ]; then
          echo "Generating the global elf file SBSFU and userApp"
          echo "Generating the global elf file SBSFU and userApp" >> $projectdir"/output.txt"
            # Set to the default installation path of the Cube Programmer tool
            # If you installed it in another location, please update PATH.
            PATH="~/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/bin":$PATH > /dev/null 2>&1
          command=$programmertool" -ms "$elf" "$headerbin" "$sbsfuelf
          $command >> $projectdir"/output.txt"