2021-09-16 8:23 AM
Hello guys, how is everyone?
I'm facing a challenge of creating a SBSFU standalone USB Custom HID loader for my project. I manage to integrate SBSFU using YModem examples and now the company that i work for decided that we need a loader of our own. I was able to setup a standalone loader firmware, linker is configured correctly and SBSFU goes to my standalone loader when a download is requested, got a trace uart message and everything looks fine. My problem is with CustomHID, i'm able to receive data in my microcontroller, but i can't send anything. I mean, the sending function returns HAL_OK, but my python script dont receive anything.
I configured my CustomHID following the video below:
I used the CustomHID code that it's working in another project, same configs and etc, and i got the same behaviour, i receive data, but i'm not able to send it.
I also configured my ISR Vector table, just like the User Manual it says to, using SCB->VTOR = INTVECT_START;.
I tested my python script with the project that i mentioned above. Script works and receive data correctly, so the errors is something on the firmware side.
I honestly don't know what to do, since i'm using the same code that works on other projects, but only when i use it as a loader, it does not work. I feel like it would be probably a very silly thing to fix it, but i still couldn't find.
Can someone give me a hint on this?
2021-09-16 4:01 PM
Have you compared the device descriptors with the working project?
2021-09-17 3:26 PM
Well, found out it was a OS problem. Windows was messing all up. Manage to solve.
Tks for the response.