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Programming with USB C and communication via UART

Associate II

Good morning everyone!

I have a question regarding a USB to UART IC. I’ve seen that the FT231XQ is used in ESP32s to program and communicate via UART. Is it possible to do the same with STM32s?




In this case, all the STM32 sees is a UART connection - it neither knows nor cares whether that came via USB, or from a Real RS232 port, or from anything else.

So, as far as the STM32 is concerned, the FT231XQ (or whatever) is irrelevant - it's all just UART comms.

The built-in UART Bootloader is described in Application Note AN3155USART protocol used in the STM32 bootloader:


You can also write your own custom bootloader - see, for example Application Note AN4657 STM32 in-application programming (IAP) using the USART:

Okay, for Uart it will be possible, but to upload programs to the MCU, will it be possible?

@Zero-96 wrote:

Okay, for Uart it will be possible, but to upload programs to the MCU, will it be possible?

I don't understand - I just answered exactly that question!