2020-07-14 7:36 AM
I'm unable to get the USB peripheral to work on this chip. For some reason even the USB_FS_IRQn won't fire. This chip has no external vbus detection or VDDUSB. I checked PWR CR2 USV is 1 and I can have the host detect the device by controlling the usb pull-up just fine but unfortunately it won't enumerate. Any ideas why the IRQ won't fire? anybody got usb working on these new chips?
I'm not using USB PD and disabled battery charging and link power management and am using the standard Cube HAL
I've ruled out board issues, as simply replacing this chip with a pin compatible stm32L152 works just fine...
I have experience with USB on the F1, F4, F7, H7, L1, L4 families and never seen anything like this...
2020-07-14 8:42 AM
nevermind, bad HSE...