2017-11-23 1:10 AM
I have a custom board based on STM32F412VE that communicates with the PC via the UART1 (pin PA9 and PA10 with 100K pullup). I have problems communicating with the bootloader. Here is an oscilloscope screenshot:
As you can see PC send 0x7F and after a while bootloader respond with ACK (0x79). I must assume that UART is good and at this point the bootloader is ready to receive commands. The PC then sends the GET (0x00+0xFF) command but immediately after the first byte the bootloader responds with NACK (0x1F). I cannot figure out why. Please note that the Flash Loader Demonstrator does not work either.
best RegardsMax#stm32-uart-bootloader #stm32f4122017-11-23 2:17 AM
... communicates with the PC via the UART1 ...
Is this the ST-Link Utility on PC side, or your own tool ?
If the latter, I suggest to check with the ST-Link tool or the Flash Loader Demonstrator, and compare the behavior.
2017-11-23 3:46 AM
ST-Link Utility only communicate through jtag/swd. The
Flash Loader Demonstrator also has the same problem.
best regards
2017-11-23 4:39 AM
Try lower baudrate rate. Make sure even parity.
Check voltage and caps on VCAP pins.
Check bit timing on responses.
Down load USART test code via debugger.
2018-01-15 4:22 AM
I just solved this problem by adding very short delay between command bytes, for example 0x00 delay 0xFF. I will use one STM32 MCU to program other devices. By the way.... it doesn't work for me with even parity bit somehow, only with no parity bits.