2016-06-24 7:25 AM
Hi, I'm currently working on a project with my school, I have to sample 3 different audio signals at 44100Hz and send them to a computer using the ethernet port.
I have configured my board with cubeMX. -I wanted to know if the Counter Period in the TIM parameters was the sample frequency in Hz because my 3 ADC's are triggered by this timer -How to store the ADC's values in an array so I can send them? I will be using at least 2 arrays buffers so I don't loose data: the first record and during this time the second one (with data inside) is sent to the computer via ethernet. Do I have to use this function? Is it inside the while(1)?HAL_ADC_Start_DMA
(&hadc1, (
*) ADC1ConvertedValues, BUFFER_SIZE_ADC*2)
-With the lwIP library how do I connect to an other computer and send the datas I have in the buffers? #ethernet #adc #stm32 #stm32f4 #dma #cubemx #lwip