2021-03-04 3:02 AM
I am having working tcp/ip project using lwip on STM32F7 using which I can send RAW data.
Now I want to send text file from SD card to local server.
How can I implement this.
2021-03-04 3:17 AM
Home-grown protocol ?
2021-03-04 3:38 AM
Hello Ozone,
Can you please give me some example code or documents to implement this?
2021-03-04 3:48 AM
Hi Rohit.1,
I can propose for you to take a look at the STM32CubeF7 Firmware Package under Projects\$Board_Name$\Applications\LwIP
I hope this is helpful.
Best Regards,
2021-03-04 4:08 AM
Hello Ons KOOLI,
This location contains LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS application.
2021-03-04 4:13 AM
Hi Rohit.1,
Eval boards contain generally more examples and applications than other boards. So you can look in this directory: \Projects\STM32756G_EVAL\Applications\LwIP for example
And then do a porting to the project you choose to your specific board.
Best Regards,
2021-03-04 4:30 AM
Thank You Ons.
Today, I will check it.
2021-03-04 4:33 AM
Hi Rohit.1,
You are welcome and do not hesitate to ask any question, we are here to help you.
Please do not forget to mark this question as solved by selecting the best answer if you've got a response to your issue. This way, you will help other customers who have the same issue as yours.
Best Regards,