2017-05-22 5:09 PM
I am using CubeMX to generate a project using LWIP. The following files is added to my project which defines BYTE_ORDER:
This define generates a compiler warning because it is defined in my toolchain:
<ac6 toolchain>/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/endian.h
To suppress the warning, i wrap the cpu.h defined with &sharpifndef BYTE_ORDER/&sharpendif
However I then need to be careful when regenerating code from CubeMX, to rejest any changes it makes to this file.
Am i doing this correctly? Or could you make the same changes to your supplied code?
#lwip2017-07-05 6:23 AM
This issue has been fixed on newest Firmware packages (containing LwIP).
You should see this update by taking a recent
STM32CubeMX/Firmware package version.
If not, please give the MCU and STM32CubeMX version used.