2015-03-19 2:34 AM
someone knows, what kind of license has the Virtual Com Port Driver from ST (STSW-STM32102STM32)? Is it GPL orLGPL?
RegardsVeronica #cdc #stm32 #usb #vcp2015-12-15 10:05 AM
Any answer on this? I submitted for commercial support to ST and have gotten no response.
2015-12-15 10:36 AM
IANAL, but I seriously doubt it is either of those licenses, ST has it's own legal dept, and it is more probably under the Liberty SLA.
You should probably contact your local ST sales or support office, and work this through with them, as a purchaser of STM32 parts, etc. Your local distributor or FAE may also be a good starting point.You should probably also ask about the VID/PID issues too.