2013-07-02 7:20 AM
I am having trouble leaving the DFU mode after programming a STM32F105. The device has two USB modes: DFU (via ROM bootloader) and HID Device (via application code). The device can be programmed successfully and starts the application code correctly after the Leave DFU mode command, however the device does not automatically re-enumerate with the PC as a HID device. The only way the PC will recognize the device is by un-plugging the USB cable and plugging it back in.
Does anyone else have this issue? #stm32-dfu-usb-dfuse-leave2013-07-02 9:23 AM
Are you working on STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0?
At the entry of your ''application (HID)'' code, 1. disable USB interrupt, USB_OTG_DisableGlobalInt(&USB_OTG_dev); and clear pending USB interrupts. USB_OTG_WRITE_REG32( &USB_OTG_dev.regs.GREGS->GINTSTS, 0xBFFFFFFF); 2. reset the USB core USB_OTG_CoreReset(&USB_OTG_dev); 3. wait for 200-300 ms before calling USBD_Init(), so that the host certainly recognizes disconnection. Tsuneo