2017-11-17 7:24 AM
I just want to know what is the max speed he could get from USB HID Class.For example Can he send 128 Bytes in 2 ms(64 Bayt x 2 Message).I can not send the second message without waiting for ~750 ms after sending the first.I am using cubemx and his USB HID class.Is it normal?
USBD_CONF_Exported_Defines :
/*---------- -----------*/
&sharpdefine USBD_MAX_NUM_INTERFACES 1/*---------- -----------*/&sharpdefine USBD_MAX_NUM_CONFIGURATION 1/*---------- -----------*/&sharpdefine USBD_MAX_STR_DESC_SIZ 512/*---------- -----------*/&sharpdefine USBD_SUPPORT_USER_STRING 1/*---------- -----------*/&sharpdefine USBD_DEBUG_LEVEL 0/*---------- -----------*/&sharpdefine USBD_SELF_POWERED 1/*---------- -----------*/&sharpdefine USBD_CUSTOMHID_OUTREPORT_BUF_SIZE 64/*---------- -----------*/&sharpdefine USBD_CUSTOM_HID_REPORT_DESC_SIZE 189/****************************************//* &sharpdefine for FS and HS identification */&sharpdefine DEVICE_FS 0#usb #hid