2022-03-07 11:31 AM
From AN2606, the bootloader firmware should examine 0x08100000 for a stack pointer into SRAM, then 0x08000000 for the same. It doesn't seem that this is happening, though. Is there a good way to debug this further?
2022-03-07 11:43 AM
>>Is there a good way to debug this further?
Output internal state from within.
Dump two locations, and OB / FLASH / SYSCFG registers.
Should swap banks, so both should be built for 0x08000000 operation as I recall.
Check vector content meet expectations.
Could create a small loader/monitor in first 16KB of each bank, and then map/fork from there.
You should check ROM system loader version. Might be errata, or other expectations.
With thought you could run the debugger through the ROM code, and watch what it does and why.
2022-03-09 07:39 AM
Thanks Tesla DeLorean...