2024-09-17 4:33 AM
I am using internal Temperature Sensor stm32h743zit6 , i notice that when i connect power some time after that it stable temperature approximately 46 degree or 47 degree, after i start streaming it came temperature also stable on this 46 degree or 47 degree temperature ,so when i work or not work continues but i give continues power always stable it give stable temperature after some time 46 degree or 47 ..but when i heat external 50 degree Celsius then it came internal Temperature 51 degree Celsius , again i heat external 60 degree Celsius then it came internal Temperature 58 degree Celsius so can you tell me behavior of internal Temperature Sensor stm32h743zit6!!!!!!!!
so it is true that if i work or not but it give continues power supply than after some time it will always stable 46 or 47 degree Celsius and if i do external heat it will increase according to external heat provide if it true than explain it if false than why it came ????????????????????????
but i doing some internal work just like streaming than it is possible to increase temperature from the stable temperature ,it is possible to increase or it give stable temperature 46 0r 47 degree ?????????????
2024-09-17 5:40 AM - edited 2024-09-17 5:53 AM
This sounds like entirely expected behaviour.
The operation of the chip generates heat internally.
The so-called thermal resistance of the package means that the internal temperature will be higher than the external temperature.
When you artificially raise the external temperature, the process is reversed - heat flows into the package, and the thermal resistance means that the internal temperature is lower than the external.
Take a look a this article - Basics of Thermal Resistance and Heat Dissipation:
See also AN5036, Guidelines for thermal management on STM32 applications:
2024-09-17 5:50 AM
@SITARAM wrote:it is possible to increase temperature from the stable temperature ,it is possible to increase or it give stable temperature 46 0r 47 degree ?
Power Dissipation is closely related to current consumption:
So take a look at those Tables 30 - 38 (on the following pages of the datasheet) to see what's going to make the most significant difference to current consumption ...