2022-03-02 1:14 AM
I tried to use the PDM2PCM library in the STM32L432.
I have some questions about PDM2PCM library.
The values set by an output buffer in the function PDM_Filter().
We must use values in the output buffer (= PCM data stream) as uint or int ?
I am not able to understand that I should set the value to output_samples_number.
I set,
decimation_factor = PDM_FILTER_DEC_FACTOR_64.
out_ptr_channels = 1.
in_ptr_channels = 1.
and pdm data buffer is defined as following,
uint8_t pdm_buffer[4096].
and pcm data buffer is defined as following,
uint16_t pcm_buffer[64].
I expect that the output_samples_number may be setting 4096 / 64 = 64, this is correct?