2022-10-30 8:21 AM
I have read some functions carefully and have many questions... How can i get guidance from exports of ST, not from the community?
2022-10-30 3:31 PM
2022-10-30 5:58 PM
Hi Piranha,
why you give me such links? I just have question about some functions in the file nx_stm32_eth_driver.c, This Confusing code looks come from ST, not from MS.
2022-10-30 7:57 PM
Found some information from ST:
The API is developed and documented by Microsoft (Express Logic) anyway. The STM32 driver implementation... Microsoft licenses, Asian names, not a broken bloatware - doesn't seem to be developed by ST either. And indeed...
Yuxin Zhou, Microsoft Corporation
Joined Microsoft Azure IoT team through Express Logic acquisition.
Anyway, you have two options:
And talking about "experts of ST"...