2019-04-29 4:06 AM
I use stm32f030k6t6 and i want to read micro sd with chan library.
so i download and use the sample project (http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/ffsample.zip)
there is a file named Stm32f100.h on the sample project.if i use other stm32f1xx its work .but when i use stm32f0x its doesn't work and stuck on
CS_HIGH(); /* Set CS# high */
(this line is in the fat_sd_spi.c).
how can i use this library in stm32f030?
2019-04-29 5:37 AM
You'll need to do a better job porting the code, the F0 might have a different SPI interface, perhaps watch for the width of the read/write to the DR.
There is an AdaFruit SPI SD card driver in the HAL BSP, along with an SPI driver within the NUCLEO and perhaps other BSPs.
There should be a worked FatFs example for the EVAL series boards. Review the Application tree for the Boards in the CubeF0 repositories.