2017-03-13 5:01 AM
Hello to all.
I am trying to use Free RTOS.
but i do not know how to set hardware interrupt priorities in free RTOS???????
for example i have 3 tasks with different priorities.
also in my code i set or reset pins with external interrupt.but sometimes when external interrupt occurs,my codes does not run correctly and i feel it is a matter of priorities.please help me .
thank you.
#interrupts-in-free-rtos #interrupts #free-rtos2017-03-14 5:53 AM
,Any interrupt service routine that uses an RTOS API function must have its priority manually set to a value that is numerically equal to or greater than the configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY setting in FreeRTOSConfig.h file. This ensures the interrupt's logical priority is equal to or less than the configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY setting.
Please refer to
User manual about Developing Applications on STM32Cube with RTOS.-Nesrine-
2017-03-18 6:19 AM
hi Nesrine
I had read this matter.
thank you .