2019-06-02 9:40 AM
STM32F4-DISCOVERY board: I need to read from the mic (MP45DT02) and I was trying to use the STM32CubeIDE to generate the initialization and I cannot get to enable the pdm2pcm middleware. I have tried to configure I2S2 (no errors) but still pcm2pcm is grey and not available somehow. I have the latest firmwate. Any ideas?
2019-06-04 1:11 AM
in order to enable pdm2pcm middleware, you need to enable CRC peripheral beforehand.
If you point the PDM2PCM entry a popup should inform you about this:
2019-06-04 6:32 AM
Yes, I tried an old installation of stm32CubeMX and I could see the popup. In the Stm32CubeIDE I have installed I didn't have the popup. Cloking doesn't work too well either.
2019-06-04 11:39 AM
I was using STM32CubeIDE in a Win7 and in Linux. I have just installed in a Win10 and tested the creation of a new project. I do not have any popup helping when putting the cursor over the different options. Check, I think its a regression over previous STM32CubeMX versions.
2021-02-12 7:09 AM
Hi @David SIORPAES ,
I'm using STM32CubeMX ver 6.1.1 on Linux. If PDM2PCM is greyed out, there is _no_ popup, as you suggested.
I finally got the tip to enable the CRC functionality in dm00104712-stm32cubemx-for-stm32-configuration-and-initialization-c-code-generation-stmicroelectronics.pdf and also in your email.
It would be of added value if this could be fixed in the next update of STM32CubeMX.
Thanks & regards