2015-10-27 1:14 PM
I am planing a project.Maybe his project will contain UDP communication.Can I use STM32F4 or other Stm32 product.When I am looking for similar project,i found working on localhost (as i want sending some data from my st device to my remote server.Can i make it?I am so sorry my bad english and thank you again your support.
#ethernet #stm32f42015-10-27 3:39 PM
Suggest you review designs and examples related to the
STM32F4-DIS-BB STM3240G-EVALhttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/PF252216?sc=stm3240g-eval
RedDragon-4072015-10-28 1:30 AM
Thank you for your answer,I
analyzed your sending link. Other hand,
,I found LwIP library.Can i use this library with Wiznet W5100 or Enj28j60 for my project