2020-08-11 6:35 AM
2020-08-17 3:09 AM
Regarding your first question about the original software programmed in B-L475E-IOT01:
click on "Get software"
2020-08-11 7:12 AM
There is no B-L475E-IOT02A available, maybe you are talking a B-L475E-IOT01A?
2020-08-12 3:55 AM
Hi ,
I am using the B-L475E-IOT01A2C board and i am getting this message ...after this what next i should do ???
# AI Validation 3.2
Compiled with GCC 7.3.1
STM32 Runtime configuration...
Device : DevID:0x00000415 (STM32L4x6xx) RevID:0x00001007
Core Arch. : M4 - FPU PRESENT and used
HAL version : 0x010b0000
system clock : 80 MHz
FLASH conf. : ACR=0x00000604 - Prefetch=False $I/$D=(True,True) latency=4
AI platform (API 1.1.0 - RUNTIME 4.1.0)
Found network "network"
Creating the network "network"..
Initializing the network
Network configuration...
Model name : network
Model signature : 0c4409ac77edf66cabac2e5ec04b2e65
Model datetime : Wed Feb 5 15:26:48 2020
Compile datetime : Feb 5 2020 15:28:25
Runtime revision : (4.1.0)
Tool revision : (rev-5.0.0) (5.0.0)
Network info...
nodes : 6
complexity : 517361 MACC
activation : 17408 bytes
params : 16284 bytes
inputs/outputs : 1/1
I[0] float32, 3840 bytes, shape=(30,32,1)
O[0] float32, 12 bytes, shape=(1,1,3)
| READY to receive a CMD from the HOST... |
# Note: At this point, default ASCII-base terminal should be closed
# and a stm32com-base interface should be used
# (i.e. Python stm32com module). Protocol version = 2.1
2020-08-17 3:09 AM
Regarding your first question about the original software programmed in B-L475E-IOT01:
click on "Get software"
2020-08-17 3:14 AM
regarding B-L475E-IOT01A1 vs B-L475E-IOT01A2 it seems there's a difference in the Sub-GHz module mounted on the boards: one is 868 MHz and the other is 915 MHz. The frequency depends on your country.
2020-08-17 7:28 AM
HI All ,
I got the development board code and it is working !!
Thanks For the Support