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Help Understanding BSP_COM for Communication


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Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on an STM32 project using the NUCLEO-G431KB board. I've come across the BSP_COM API in the STM32Cube firmware, which seems to be an abstraction layer for handling USART/UART communication. I have successfully set up the following code to send data over a virtual COM port using "printf":


COM_InitTypeDef BspCOMInit;

BspCOMInit.BaudRate = 115200;
BspCOMInit.WordLength = COM_WORDLENGTH_8B;
BspCOMInit.StopBits = COM_STOPBITS_1;

if (BSP_COM_Init(COM1, &BspCOMInit) != BSP_ERROR_NONE) {

printf( "Hello, Virtual COM Port!\n" );



This works perfectly for transmitting data, but I'm struggling to figure out how to receive data using the BSP_COM interface. Is there a built-in function in BSP_COM for receiving data, or do I need to revert to using HAL_UART_RECEIVE or similar HAL functions for this purpose?

Thank you for your help.


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ST Employee

Hello @jin96 and welcome to the community,

There is no BSP API for UART receive. 

Need o use HAL functions and inspire from the examples provided in Cube G4 package.

Or use scanf as stated by @Andrew Neil  see (not tested)

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@jin96 wrote:

 Is there a built-in function in BSP_COM for receiving data.

Have you tried scanf ?

ST Employee

Hello @jin96 and welcome to the community,

There is no BSP API for UART receive. 

Need o use HAL functions and inspire from the examples provided in Cube G4 package.

Or use scanf as stated by @Andrew Neil  see (not tested)

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