2021-04-26 12:45 AM
OTG_FS_IRQHandler is endlessly called
"signal handler called>() at 0xffffffe9"
I have already increase the heap and stack size to 0x2000.
I use the STM32H753i-EVAL2 board
2021-04-26 1:46 AM
More information :
The USB descriptors are correct and both virtual port com are recognised by the PC.
And i use STMCubeMx Version: 1.6.0
2021-04-26 2:48 AM
After two weeks of work and just after posting this cry for help, I found the solution.
Il simply forgot to set tx fifos on usb_conf.c for the new endpoints.
Subject can be closed.
2022-01-18 8:14 AM
Hi I think I'm trying to implement the same thing, please let me know if it is. I want the PC to detect two COM ports when I plug the usb cable in.
I couldn't find any example or a way Cube allows implementing that. Any help