2016-05-21 8:43 AM
As my title says, i keep getting hard fault when i get interrupt.Now when debugging, i see that interrupt happend, i get into the function to recieve rx content ( UART_Receive_IT ) but when i come to line : else { *huart->pRxBuffPtr++ = (uint8_t)(huart->Instance->RDR & (uint8_t)uhMask); }i get a hard fault. I implemented uart example for my nucleo-l073rz to my existing project (also using HAL drivers) which uses RTOS.Best regards,Nejc #nucleo-l073rz #rtos #stm32cube2016-05-21 9:19 AM
Ok, and doesn't that suggest to you that the pointer(s) you are attempting to use are bogus, or unaligned for type on the Cortex-M0.
Why don't you sanity check the pointers first, before writing.Also make sure you initialize the structure and pointers, before enabling interrupts that might use them?