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Getting a job offered in STMicroelectronics


I am new to the programming of Microprocessors and microcontrollers. I am finding a lot of Software Development Tools (SDTs) from the website link

I am quite confused about which software development tool do I need to be proficient with in order to get a software developer job in STMicroelectronics offered to me.

May I please know from among the ones given in the website link, which software development tool do I need to be proficient with in order to get a job in STMicroelectronics company offered to me?


I wouldn't expect that knowing a tool would guarantee you a job offer, nor would I expect that knowing a tool is required in order to be offered a job. Generally, the job posting will have the relevant information about desired skills. Being local is always a massive plus.

Developers of software often aren't users of the software. At the very least, developing the software requires significant knowledge of the programming language used which is largely separate from any skills required to use the software.

In any case, job postings at large companies are generally very public and easily searchable. Good luck:


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Being this green and easily confused is your biggest hurdle. Rote learning is not a skill, ChatGPT has a deeper database and better search skills. You need to be functional as a developer with whatever tools are available. It is the underlying understanding of what you are doing, and how it comes together that will be most critical.

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