2020-04-24 10:10 PM
I am working on a project based on freeRTOS in STMCube_FW_H7_V1.6.0 and NUCLEO-H746ZI-Q.
When I compiles a CM7 code of the project, the port.c and the portmacro.h in ARM_CM4F (not in ARM_CM7) are used. (I am using MDK-ARM compiler 5.)
Are there no problems even if it use them?
In addition, when I compile it with ARM compiler 6, the codes related to freeRTOS gives many errors. How can I remedy them?
2020-04-27 01:06 AM
I found this from the FreeRTOS forums:
where it is said that those ports are the same.
And it would be helpful to see the output of the compiler, if you're looking for help in clearing the errors.
Best regards