2023-05-16 6:04 AM
I followed the article on placing a program into SRAM - I can't place the link here, on an STM32 (I'm using the STM32L476RG Nucleo board)
I can successfully execute the program from SRAM directly from STM32CubeIDE however when I try and load the program into STM32CubeProgrammer and program into SRAM using the UART bootloader, I can see that the device has successfully been connected to however I get this issue:
13:54:33 : Error: Write address not acknowledged: 0x20000000
13:54:33 : Error: failed to download Segment[0]
13:54:33 : Error: failed to download the File
Is it possible to program the SRAM using the UART bootloader?
2023-05-16 9:50 AM
Hello @Community member ,
You can refer to this Application note : Programming an external Flash memory using the UART bootloader built-in STM32 microcontrollers
Also, I recommend you this article : How to use STM32CubeProgrammer to access the USART bootloader on my STM32 board
Hope I helped you!
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2023-05-16 5:52 PM
Of course you cannot "flash" SRAM because RAM is not flash :)
The debugger, however, knows the difference very well.
You can make a custom bootloader (similar to the "in-app programming" examples with ymodem) that loads and executes code in RAM.
Maybe the CubeProgrammer API library allows to make a host app that does the same without a loader on the target. (I haven't studied the API well; the Segger J-Link API certainly allows this).
2023-05-17 1:55 AM
Thanks for the response Pavel! So its not possible to directly program the SRAM using the stock ST bootloader, without writing a custom one?
2023-05-18 3:03 PM
I'm not saying this is 100% impossible. I just do not know how.