2015-10-09 7:22 AM
i have an application with an STM32F103 and a Raspberry Pi, connected via full duplex SPI.I want to implement automated flashing of the STM. The idea is:RPi contacts STM32 via SPI and if STM32 does not answer or has an old version of my software,I want to flash the STM over SPI with the RPi.I could connect the BOOT Pins and Reset to the RPi and get the STM into a bootloader.Can I flash the STM32 with the default bootloader via SPI?Background: Users should be able to use a factory new STM without knowledge about the hardware or even electronics. #stm32-spi-bootloader-flash2015-10-09 7:30 AM
According to
STM32F1's bootloader doesn't support SPI. You should either switch to a newer MCU, like STM32F4xx or STM32L0xx, or use USART instead of SPI: .