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Fix Windows 10 STM32 Virtual COM port Error Code 10?


I am using a custom board based on the STM32H750VBT6. I have set up the board as a USB FS device and added some test code to blink and LED based on the serial data sent over USB. I have gotten it to function properly on my Ubuntu machine, however, when I plug the board into my Windows machine I get:

This device cannot start. (Code 10)

{Operation Failed}

The requested operation was unsuccessful.

Any help is much appreciated.0693W000001q8v8QAA.png


Use a USB monitor and figure out what the problem is. USB Monitor Pro has a good trial period.

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Thanks for the responses. JW, that max packet size fix is only for USB_OTG_HS, I am using FS, the max packet size is already 64 bytes. I got a result from the USB monitor, having difficulty making sense of it. The picture is of two reset cycles on the board. Seems like some exchange is going awry and Windows just disconnects the device. Any thoughts?



Probably the stalling on EP0 bug. Go into the library and comment out any line with USBD_LL_StallEP(pdev, 0x80U); or USBD_LL_StallEP(pdev, 0x00U);. Only for argument 0x80 and 0x00.

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Associate II

Alright guys, I bumped into the same problem and cannot find any solution online until I read the datasheet AN4879 showing that there is no need to add the pull up resistor for my MCU since it is embedded within the MCU.

For all those who get into this issue, kindly check the datasheet, removing the 1k5 resistor might solve your problem getting into this trouble :)