2021-02-16 3:01 AM
Good electronical morning to everyone.
I find myself needing to enter stm32´s system bootloader during runtime on command.
I asigned a GPIO with a simple RC circuit to pull the BOOT0 pin high.
The system reset is done by IWDG exception, i just stop feeding the watchdog and reaches its countdown.
I dont like my solution, i dont want to wait an undetermined ammount of time for the iwdg to reach its countdown.
I remember from my time in uni ( with LPC1768 mcu) you could feed the wrong key to the watchdog inmediatly forcing the wdg exception (kicking the watchdog).
Can this be done with HAL in stm32?
Another solution would be to jump to the system bootloader flash address but i am afraid of all the timers and things i need to manually deactivate .... is it worth it?
thanks !
2021-02-16 7:41 AM
For jumping to system memory boot loader check e.g. https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkW8QSAV/stm32h743-how-to-start-the-system-boot-loader-via-software.
2021-02-17 6:36 AM
Just to know... Watchdog only resets the system. If you want that, you can just call NVIC_SystemReset().