2015-02-12 4:23 AM
I use the USB VCP (based on VirtualComport_Loopback) in STM32L152VE. I disabled suspend (''__IO bool fSuspendEnabled = FALSE;'' in usb_pwr.c). If the USB cable is disconnected I get endless suspend interrups (ISTR_SUSP) and the function ''Resume(RESUME_LATER);'' in usb_istr.c is constantly executed. how do I solve this? also bDeviceState value is always ''CONFIGURED'' even after USB cable disconnection. Ideas? #suspend #stm32-usb-vcp2015-02-15 12:05 AM
no one knows why there are endless suspend interrupts?
2015-02-15 3:24 AM
No one knows whats the library you are working on.
And then, no one can answer. There are so many libraries for ST's MCU, STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0, Cube, mbed, Keil, IAR, etc. Tsuneo2015-02-15 5:13 AM
Google is your friend.
Just enter the keyword ''fSuspendEnabled'', the top hit is the link to . In the topic, the OP tells the same story as yours, > I know about Suspend, I tried to prevent going to Suspend by setting > __IO bool fSuspendEnabled = FALSE; /* true when suspend is possible */ > and I thought that it's OK. Tsuneo2015-02-18 5:04 AM
Sorry, you are right
I use STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0 under IAR