2023-02-22 11:16 AM
Hi, does ST have it's own driver implementation of the ksz8863 switch. If yes where can i download it. I like to have an link up/down feedback. Need to have connection to the internal register of that switch. For now i just use the lan8742 driver provided by ST.
2023-02-22 3:28 PM
Take the existing driver and modify. For the link detection it's just a few constants:
2023-02-22 4:21 PM
KSZ8863 is a 3-port switch. The MCU is connected to the "internal" port of it which does not have transceivers. This is quite similar to a simple PHY like in the ST examples, with few differences.
The rest is as @Piranha answered.
2023-02-25 7:33 AM
Hi thank you for reply,
I have digged in the manual of that switch and found out that it's posible to set some interrupts upon link change of certain ports. Does ST makes it easy to read&write to that registers via RMII. I have that INTRN pin with no use right now might consider changing that.
2023-02-25 12:30 PM
Through RMII you can accesss 32 registers. Other registers require connection through other interface, I2C or SPI.