2016-01-08 6:11 AM
I am trying to get the DfuSe application to work with my STM32 F0 discovery board (running a STM32F051R8T6 micro).
I am using a Windows 7 x64 OS. Essentially my issue is that the Discovery board is not recognized as a DFU device. The steps I have performed are: 1. Downloaded and installed DfuSe v3.0.5 from STM. Installation process was fine. 2. I ran the driver installation application for x64. This appeared to run correctly. 3. Started DfuSe. Appeared to run fine. 4. Plugged in my Discovery board with it not in DFU mode. Board was not recognized by DfuSe. This was expected. 5. I jumpered BOOT0 to Vdd and reset board. Board is still not recognized by DfuSe. I could tell from the LED pattern on the board that the micro was not running its usual application so I assume that the micro itself knew it was in DFU mode. 6. I checked the Windows Device Manager. I see that the board is recognized as a ''STMicroelectronics STLink Dongle''. I know from the YouTube video of DfuSe that it should be recognized as a DFU device. 7. I tried uninstalling the device and then re-installing it with it in DFU mode but Windows always gets in there and assigns the default driver (winusb.sys). 8. I try directing Windows to update the driver to force it to use STTub30.sys. No luck. Either I run into the message ''The best driver software for your device is already installed.'' or I am blocked because Windows does not think there is an appropriate driver in the location I direct it to. I tried the above with the Discovery board initially in DFU mode on start-up as well. I also tried an older version (v3.0.3). Same results. I checked my installed software and I see that there are several STMicro drivers installed (see image below). I am wondering if I should uninstall one or more of them but I am not sure. I feel like I am missing something basic here. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.2016-01-08 8:39 AM
I feel like I am missing something basic here.
Yes, like the fact the USB connector isn't attached to the STM32F0 device?2016-01-08 10:33 AM
Arg. Okay. I just took a look at the schematic for the STMF05 Discovery (UM1525) and I can see that the USB is connected to PA11 and PA12. However the bootloader for this model is through either PA9, PA10 or PA14, PA15 (AN2606).
I did manage to find a another Discovery board (STMF303) and DfuSe recognized it without a problem. Thanks for getting me to examine this in more detail from another perspective.2016-01-08 10:45 AM
No, that's the connection to the F103 device providing the ST-LINK functionality. There is NO USB connectivity to your part F051.
On devices without USB you'd use the ''Flash Loader Demonstrator'' application which uses serial/usart connectivity and a different protocol. Not sure of it's level of support for F0 devices.The STM32F072-DISCO provides a ''User USB'' connection, which connects to the Target part.http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/jp/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00099401.pdf
2016-01-08 1:01 PM
Ok. I see what you mean. I didn't look at the IC p/n on the USB connection for the F05 disco. I can see on the STM303 Disco that it is the user USB that makes the correct connection. (I thought I had tried both.)
Thanks for pointing me towards the demonstrator - I will give that a try.