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DFU Serial Number

Senior III

I am looking at the code here that has the algorithm for producing the device serial number reported when the MCU is in USB DFU mode.

The document they reference there,, is now a dead link. Does anyone have the name of the document and its current location?


From F2 ROM

1FFF387A	SUB16	sub_1FFF387A:			; Xref 1FFF1F68
1FFF387A B538			push	{r3, r4, r5, lr}
1FFF387C 4811			ldr	r0, [pc, #68]	; ($1FFF38C4=$1FFF7A10)
1FFF387E 6801			ldr	r1, [r0, #0]
1FFF3880 6844			ldr	r4, [r0, #4]
1FFF3882 6880			ldr	r0, [r0, #8]
1FFF3884 1840			adds	r0, r0, r1
1FFF3886 D00A			beq.n	loc_1FFF389E
1FFF3888 4D0F			ldr	r5, [pc, #60]	; ($1FFF38C8=$200012C8)
1FFF388A 2208			movs	r2, #8
1FFF388C 1CA9			adds	r1, r5, #2
1FFF388E F000 F81D		bl	sub_1FFF38CC
1FFF3892 2204			movs	r2, #4
1FFF3894 F105 0112		add.w	r1, r5, #18	; $12
1FFF3898 4620			mov	r0, r4
1FFF389A F000 F817		bl	sub_1FFF38CC
1FFF389E	LOC	loc_1FFF389E:			; Xref 1FFF3886
1FFF389E BD31			pop	{r0, r4, r5, pc}

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I think it is sufficient..

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

IIRC these ST serial numbers were documented in STM8 app.notes. They include date of producing the wafer and coordinates (X,Y) of the chip on the wafer. So each chip indeed has an unique id, if this scheme is actually applied in manufacturing process.

-- pa

The question however is more about the 12-byte ASCII serial number generated by the DFU/USB peripheral.

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