2018-01-21 09:10 AM
I wanted my STM32f0 discovery board to get into deepsleep mode. Reference manual states – Set SLEEPDEEP in Cortex®-M0 System Control register , I'm unable to find this register. (along with this i need to configure CWUF,PDDS I have done that). Do answer asap.
#stm32f051 #discovery #stm32-stm32cube2018-01-22 12:35 PM
In order to find the System Control register and SLEEPDEEP bit I browsed PWR (Power conrol) functions in Cube F0 HAL. Below I attach a code of HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode function from stm32f0xx_hal_pwr.c library:
From above code you can see that you need to edit SCB->SCR. Value of SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk I found in core_cm0.h: