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Debugging Issue on STM32H745 Dual-Core

Associate II

Hi, I have a development board with an STM32H745XIH6 microcontroller, which has dual cores. I am trying to debug using the SWDIO and SWCLK pins. Debugging works fine on the M7 core, but it does not work properly on the M4 core. This is what the issue looks like:




Thank you in advance to everyone who helps!

Associate II

Debugging dual-core in such cases is never that much easy. I guess, you need to make sure that M7 core initializes the M4 correctly. Then check the debugger setting for dual-core support.

In some cases, the verification of  SWD configurations for both cores can also help in solving the problem.

Christophe VRIGNAUD
ST Employee

Hello @ACohe.3 ,

I guess the debugger window of the M4 is not updated. You should try to step on your M4 target (if it fails, try to step in assembly (first click on the 'i' icon).2025-01-07 18_02_21-Debugging Issue on STM32H745 Dual-Core - STMicroelectronics Community and 16 mor.png