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Dear all, using STM32F030C8 embedded system memory bootl-oader, why the micro-controller immediately reset after jumping to the system memory boot-loader then enters the application again ?

Ahmed Kamel
Associate II
Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Probably because VTOR is still pointing to the program. Before jumping to system memory boot-loader , a lot of things need to be unset. It is easier to set some mark e.g. in uninitialized RAM, do a real reset and check at the beginning of the startup code if that mark is set. If set, unset mark and jump to bootloader.

Detailed description of this principle in my post there:

The described custom bootloader code can instead be added to application for jumping from application to system memory bootloader.

Pretty sure the F0 doesn't have a VTOR to change, you have to remap the ROM properly and turn off all you interrupting sources.


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