2016-08-24 12:45 PM
I have NUCLEO F446ZE, STM32CubeMX version 4.0 on Mac OS X 6. When I set the HCLK to 8, 16 or 32 MHz my program runs fine, but anything faster and it does not run at all. For this exercise my program is just one line:
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, LD2_Pin);
I put a scope probe on CN1 21 (PB_7 for LED2). When I set HCLK to 8 MHz, I see the square wave period is 4.68 usec; at 16 MHz it is 2.32; at 32 MHz it is 1.16, all fine. But anything higher and the pin does not change state at all, it just stays low.
Any suggestions would be welcome. My project chose the F446 in part because it should be able to go up to 180 MHz so I hope this is possible. Cube does say ''180 MHz max'' below the speed setting box so it should be possible.
Thanks much for any ideas.
Elwood Downey
Steward Observatory
University of Arizona
2017-02-22 08:32 AM
I'm running into similar problems. The clock tree looks Ok, equal to the capture.png but PLLM=16 and PLLN=360.
It looks like it resets itself, I don't know why I see this erratic behaviour at the LED output. I attached a picture to reflect what I'm seeing. During those shurt toggling moments it toggles at roughly 6.7MHz.
Any Idea what could be causing this?