2018-06-13 2:07 AM
I'm working on a network project on STM32 where we have to introduce specific communication protocols, these protocols are not all implemented in open source libraries for STM32 (( ) [Page 40 to 43]), I would like to know if we could add new protocols on a TCP stack / IP using sockets? or if we can create one ourselves?For example:
I need the SSH protocol for secure remote access to the microcontroller, which is not implemented in the open source stack LwIP, can I add it using sockets? and if so, how to proceed?
Another question one can dumb:
Why STM does not have as microchip, a stack TCP/IP (Harmony) complete with all possible protocols for PIC32?
Thank you
#tcp/ip #stm32 #lwip-stm322018-06-13 2:16 AM
Another question one can dumb:
Why STM does not have as microchip, a stack TCP/IP (Harmony) complete with all possible protocols for PIC32?
AFAIK, Microchip's stack is NOT free. Or at least the relevant functionality is not.
There are several professional IP stacks available, like Segger's implementation. It is reasonable that ST does not want to compete with several providers, so don't expect anything better (more complete) then LWIP for free.
or if we can create one ourselves?
I seriously doubt you can do it on your own in a reasonable time span, or at comparable costs.
2018-06-13 2:51 AM
stm32 is built on the arm processor core.
arm provide a lot of support with their mbed OS. This includes tcp/ip and ssh
I imagine ST don't feel they can add much without a lot of effort.
2018-06-13 5:24 AM
Thank you very much AvaTar for you answers,
Our company has already worked with PIC18 microchip and realized several Ethernet links using the TCP/IP harmony microchip stack downloadable on their site in different versions
I seriously doubt you can do it on your own in a reasonable time span, or at comparable costs.
If this is not possible, how should I do? knowing that I have to make this link using these protocols? Should i migrate to microship? I do not advance in my research, nothing of all his has already been done!
On the forum of LwIP I asked the question about the possibility of adding the SSH, our exchange is found following this link:
I also asked for an estimate of the price of the smxNS stack at Micro Digital for our use, the price is around 16000$, a very important price knowing that we will only provide 100/Year units of our application
I also asked SEGGER for a quote and I'm still waiting for their answer, but I think the price will be the same (way too expensive for our Campania)
Being trainee in the company, my solution for this specification should be free or at least not too expensive
2018-06-13 6:42 AM
I also asked for an estimate of the price of the smxNS battery at Micro Digital for our use, the price is around 16000$, a very important price knowing that we will only provide 100 units of our application
I also asked SEGGER for a quote and I'm still waiting for their answer, but I think the price will be the same (way too expensive for our Campania)
I would wait for the answer, and consider other options, i.e. stacks.
My company uses several CAN stacks (less expensive) and a safe RTOS (about one order of magnitude more expensive).
Being trainee in the company, my solution for this specification should be free or at least not too expensive
This sounds contradictory, business-wise.
A thoroughly tested robust protocol stack as complex as TCP/IP is not written in a few days or weeks. And it is not a task one assigns to freshmen. The number of developers required x the monthly salary will surely add up to more than $16000. Especially if you add that time to the time-to-market delay for the real product/device said company produces.
I've been through several companies that learned this the hard way.
Not sure what you are doing - working on a real product, or doing a kind of feasibility analysis.
2018-06-13 7:08 AM
I spoke a little more about this project in my previous question:
Before proceeding with the programming, I should do a study on all the possibilities of realization of this project by using the microcontrollers ST, and if it is too expensive or takes a lot of time, I should make my report, and move on. but I should be convincing !
when I say move on! we also use Raspberry Pi to meet this specification, using configuration file modification configurations, all these protocols were configured